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Formed of longterm, missions-experienced leaders, the ZimZam Global leadership team brings a collective 80+ years of diverse missions and church planting  experience to their roles.

The team is committed to listen to and learn from local leaders and to develop together contextualized strategies designed to serve local people with the mission of “multiplying healthy churches among all peoples.”  In time, several pilot projects will be launched in different regions globally.


President / CEO

Dave is known for his love for people, all Chicago sports teams, anything barbecue, and hanging out with his family! Traveling to +80 countries over the past 35 years has given Dave a unique perspective on cultures, communities, and global causes.  He has a passion for people groups without access to the Bible and for children worldwide to have a healthy, dynamic community in which to worship God.  After leading various ministries and teams over the years, Dave is focused on the vision of "A Church for Every Child" with a mission to multiply healthy churches among all peoples through children, youth, and families.  As a founding partner with ZimZam Global,  Dave is passionate about casting vision; creating opportunities for leaders; and helping children, especially those with disabilities, come to know, love, and serve Jesus.  Dave and his wife Carolyn met in college in TN and have been married since 1984. They have three adult children, one daughter-in-love and three precious granddaughters, one of which is in heaven, and one grandson. They make their home in the Valley of the Sun in Phoenix, AZ.


VP of Strategic Partnerships

Steve's fervor for travel has been a constant in his life's journey. He has explored 49 out of the 50 states in the USA and ventured to countries across 5 of the 7 continents. A unique passion he holds is staying attuned to the global expansion of the evangelical church  around the globe. People often note that he "never meets a stranger," given his outgoing nature creating connections with individuals from all walks of life.

His heart particularly resonates with engaging the hearts of children. Steve's life has been marked by significant milestones. His first marriage with Sherie lasted an admirable 44 years before she peacefully passed away in October 2021. Their union brought forth the blessings of five children and the joy of 21 grandchildren. On July 24, 2023, a new chapter began as Steve joined hands in marriage with his second wife, Melda Achar Howell, in Eldoret, Kenya. Melda's faithful service to the Lord in her church in Muhuru, Kenya, stands as a testament to her dedication. Presently, they both serve the Lord in the church they attend in Eldoret, Kenya.

With a ministerial tenure spanning over 30 years in the USA, Steve's purpose-driven passion for worldwide church planting training led him to join Dynamic Church Planting International in 2009, where he held the role of Vice President of Partnerships. In August of 2015, he embraced a new journey as Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at ZimZam Global. As 2022 unfolded, Steve's focus shifted to Kenya, where he now primarily resides in Eldoret where he can continue to foster partnerships in Kenya and neighboring regions.

Steve has a passion for seeing churches planted, fostering effective discipleship, and nurturing leadership growth in all churches. Grateful for the boundless energy and strength granted by God, Steve envisions serving the Lord until his last breath. As Steve often reminds us, the mission presses onward, ever strong.


VP of Operations
ZimZam Global Team

Chris was born and raised in Hawaii on the island of Oahu.  After high school he served in the U.S. Air Force for 4 years and then went on to college, graduating from the University of La Verne with a degree in Environmental Biology.  Chris met his wife of 38 years, Colleen, while attending ULV.  Chris and Colleen have 2 boys and 1 girl, Ben (married to Jenn) and they have 2 children, Maya and Isaac, Lucas, and Carly (married to Robert Rushton) and they have one child, Jacob.  Chris and Colleen, as well as their children and grandchildren reside in California.

Chris worked in retail management for 21 years.  In 2007 he began his career in missions and worked for an organization that trained church planters.  While there he served as the Director of Global Training and later as the Vice President of Operations.  In his new role with ZimZam Global Chris is looking forward to impacting church planting in new ways and working with the ZimZam Global team and partners to make Christ known throughout the nations.


Kenya Director

Francis Kataka Kubondo, serves as the Kenya director for ZimZam global.  He is Kenyan, and is married to Lilian Makhuka Kataka and are blessed with four daughters Lynn Kataka, Joy Kataka, Tina Kataka and Nayah Kataka. They Live in Nairobi, Kenya.


Educationally, he received Bible and theology training at the Pan-Africa Christian College and graduated with a Bachelors and later proceeded with his Masters of Arts in Leadership at the same university. The university experience ignited a passion to develop, empower and release emerging leaders from underprivileged backgrounds in their different areas of calling so that they can become all that God has called them to be.


Currently he is the Bishop of Rhema Life Way Mission and together with Lilian pastor Rhema Lifeway Mission, in the Lucky Summer Ward of Nairobi.  Previously he pastored at Tumaini City Mission church and has been a manager with the Chosen Children of Promise, a Christian NGO that serves orphans and abandoned children, also served as a part-time teacher at Pan-Africa Christian University (in the transformational church leaders development program) and Karen Christian College. He is the current Board Chairman of Awana Kenya and Board Tresurer of Chosen Children of Promise.


In 2000 he began ministry to children. This passion for serving children led to partnering with the Awana ministry team in Kenya in which children ministers are trained through the Awana seed planters’ conferences. Subsequently, these conferences led to an introduction to ZimZam Global who trains pastors and Sunday school teachers to reach out and plant churches through the ministry of children.

My prayer is that God will use me to reach out to children, and through children God will bring many to His saving grace.


S. Asia Ministry Coordinator

PG and his wife Jen are parents to their beautiful daughter, Gia.  PG was born into a Christian family and grew up in a remote village in S. Asia.  He accepted Christ as His personal Savior as a teen.


PG is a graduate from Trinity College and Seminary in NE India.  He also completed a 1 year Worship Leader Course from Next Level Worship International which is an accredited course affiliated with Liberty University, USA.


He and some friends, along with a local church pastor, started a new church called Community Bible Church in S. Asia.


PG has an infectious smile and big heart for people - especially children and youth who have been his target in sharing the gospel through teaching weeklong courses, songs and music events. God has opened so many opportunities through the years and PG was able to lead VBS programs to children, and youth camps to young adults in various places in S. Asia.  


PG is excited to join the ZimZam Global team and help bring new training events and see new churches started across the region!


Global Training Consultant
Tom Lotz, Global Training Consultant_Zim

Tom is passionate to see lives transformed by the power of the Gospel. He fervently champions the power of the Gospel’s reach to all generations through children and youth. As a founding member ZimZam Global, he continually exults in how God has shown favor on this organization to be a part of building His Church throughout the world.

Tom was born and raised on the Amazon River to missionary parents. He is a trained educator and administrator. In addition to his role as Global Training Consultant with ZZG, he serves as Associate Pastor at Independent Bible Church in Port Angeles, Washington. Previously, he has served as classroom teacher, school principal, volleyball coach, missionary training center director, and avid, recreational tennis player.

Tom’s wife, Sue, has served right alongside him since their marriage in 1986. She now serves as Co-director of IBC Kids, their church’s children’s ministry. They have one child: Kristie, 26, who is on mission in Memphis, TN, as a teacher. And…yes, they are crazy Seahawks fans!


Global Trainer

After decades serving alongside her husband in a global church planting ministry, Carolyn was part of founding ZimZam Global.  She assists her husband Dave, and the ministry in various areas, including as a global trainer in the “Church as a Refuge” training - in the area of special needs and disabilities.  She has a passion to bring attention to this area globally among leaders and the church. She is known for her love for children and especially her grandchildren who live nearby.  She also serves as the Director of Special Ministries at Scottsdale Bible Church in AZ.  Her entire family serve alongside her in this special needs ministry that is deeply loved by the family.


Global Trainer
Aaron Bacon, Global Trainer_ZimZam Globa

Aaron is fully convinced that the most strategic way to fulfill our gospel mandate is by planting churches. And the most strategic way for churches to become engines for church-planting is by equipping and empowering the next generation of leaders. Zim Zam Global is the vehicle to fulfill this divine task. 


Born in Alaska, Aaron was blessed to have been raised in a family where God’s Word was central, serving Christ’s church was normal, and asking God, “Here am I Lord, send me” was encouraged. To this day, all six family members are followers of Jesus and serving Christ’s church. After completing an internship with Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU), Aaron moved to Southern California where he completed a Masters of Divinity at Talbot School of Theology and served at a church plant in Long Beach. In 2011, God led Aaron and his wife, Abigail, to Port Angeles, Washington to become the Family Life Pastor at Independent Bible Church. Five years later, Aaron assumed the lead pastor role from the previous pastor of forty-one years and currently serves in this calling. Since moving to Port Angeles, Aaron & Abie have been blessed with six children (the last three being a surprise hat trick) and is nearly completed his doctorate in pastoral ministry at Western Seminary.


Besides serving Christ’s church, Aaron is also passionate about the outdoors…especially the mountains. He loves mountain biking, snowboarding, and looks forward to an annual, week-long backpacking trip into Olympic National Park. To this day, Aaron marvels at God’s calling upon his family, God’s provision for his family, and is humbled by God’s continual grace in His life.


Global Trainer
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Dan was the Chairman of ZimZam’s Board from the organization’s founding through the end of 2021. He helped develop some of our CPR training materials, and frequently participates as a presenter at CPR trainings. After rotating off the Board at the end of 2021, Dan and his wife Tracey joined the staff of ZimZam. They now participate in worldwide training and mentoring.

Dan was a trial lawyer for 42 years, practicing at an international law firm. He developed an expertise in pro bono human trafficking cases. This fits well within ZimZam’s “the church is a refuge” focus. In addition to his legal work, Dan has been a church elder and deacon, chairman of the board of a seminary, and has regularly taught Sunday School classes for more than 40 years. He loves to teach, and occasionally preach, the Word of God. In April 2024, Dan retired from his law practice to be able to devote more time to ZimZam and to anti-trafficking ministries.

Prior to law school, Dan studied aerospace engineering at UCLA, where he met Tracey. Dan grew up in Michigan and graduated from the University of Michigan Law School, so he’s a fan of the Michigan Wolverines and Detroit sports teams. He’s a masters swimmer and holds two world records in his age group. He has authored two published books and numerous legal articles. Tracey and Dan live outside of Los Angeles.


Global Trainer
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Lilian Makhuka Kataka, serves as a global trainer for ZimZam global.  She is Kenyan, and is married to Francis Kataka Kubondo and are blessed with four daughters Lynn Kataka, Joy Kataka, Tina Kataka and Nayah Kataka. They Live in Nairobi, Kenya.

Professionally, she is a Registered Clinical Officer. She received her training at the St. Mary’s school of clinical medicine in Mumias, Kenya.

With regard to ministry she is currently studying a Bible and theology degree at the International Seminary of Theology and Leadership in Nairobi Kenya.

She is the pastor in charge of Children and women departments at the Rhema Life Way Mission Church in Lucky Summer.

Her passion is to see women from less privileged situations holistically transformed and lead healthy lives.


Global Trainer
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Tracey has been married to Dan Stephenson for 45 years. They have two grown children and four grandchildren. Tracey grew up in Southern California, where all of her family of origin resides. After meeting Dan at UCLA and getting married, Tracey survived 30 Michigan winters before returning to California with Dan in 2009. While in Michigan, Tracey served in youth, children’s, and women’s ministries at Grace Bible Church in Ann Arbor, and she both attended, and sat on the board of, a seminary now named Moody Theological Seminary – Michigan.


Tracey served 7 years as the Teaching Leader of a large Bible Study Fellowship class in Pasadena, California. In addition to weekly lectures, she also shepherded younger leaders. She enjoys teaching, but mostly enjoys “diving for the pearl” in lesson preparation. She loves exploring and applying God’s Word. She enjoys spending time with family and traveling to the uttermost parts of the world with Dan, not always for swimming competitions.


Global Trainer

Melda Achar Howell lives in Eldoret, Kenya, with her husband Steve, and their three children.  She came to faith not long before her first marriage dissolved. She found comfort, peace and strength in Christ as she navigated being a single mother. 

God provided for Melda and her children by opening the door for her to manage a small electronics shop in the fishing village of Muhuru Bay, Kenya.

During her time in Muhuru Bay, Melda’s relationship with Christ grew through the solid Bible teaching at her church. She was always ready to help out, whether singing on the praise and worship team, assisting with translation during services, or serving as the church secretary. Melda’s dedication reminded many of Paul's words in Romans 16:6: "Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you" (NIV).

After nine years as a single mother, Melda prayed for a husband who loved and served God. She asked, "Lord, surely there's a man who serves You that You can connect me with, maybe someone who has lost a wife."

God answered her prayer by bringing her and Steve together. They met in April 2022 and were married in July 2023.

Melda now serves with ZimZam Global alongside her husband, Steve. She has completed the ZimZam Global Facilitator training and has served in various locations in Kenya and two countries in South Asia. She’s excited about the upcoming training in Ecuador, South America, in May 2024.


Global Operations Director

Shawn was raised in San Diego California. She has been married to her husband Joe for 34 years. She is the mother of 3 boys, 31 year-old Derek, and 25-year-old twins, Blake and Brent. She was raised in a baseball family with a local field in San Diego named after her father. She has served for many years on the Oceanside Little League Board and developed the Challenger L.L. Division for challenged athletes. There are very few sports her family wasn't involved in, watching or playing.


Shawn’s earlier career included sales and marketing until she discovered her passion in church centered missions. She worked as the director of operations for an organization that trained church planters organizing local and international events. She served as the director of a local food pantry and distribution center for a local church. In her new role with ZimZam Global, Shawn is excited to be working in global operations.


International Ambassador 

As an enthusiastic sports fan, Brian will always be seen wearing a hat and team jersey wherever he goes.  More than that, he is known for his love for the Lord, passion for people and love for Africa.  His nickname is “The Jumper” as he loves to worship together when he travels across the African continent with his family. Whether it is Zimbabwe, Zambia, Kenya or Tanzania, Brian can be found serving leaders and the church.  He has a special place in his heart for those with disabilities as he has overcome his own challenges through the years.  He can be found caring for and talking to people about Jesus and praying with others he meets.  He represents the ministry across the globe.  He loves his local work and ministry as he serves at Scottsdale Bible Church on the facilities team and in the Special Needs Ministry each week.


Executive Assistant

Heloisa is a positive, thoughtful, and dynamic Administrative Assistant to our ZimZam Global President. With 15 years of experience in banking and the past five years actively engaged in Digital Marketing, we feel blessed to have her as a valuable member of our team.

Originally from a city near São Paulo, Brazil, Heloisa came to the US in 1997 with the aim of learning English. She earned a bachelor's degree in Marketing and International Business from UW-Eau Claire and seized numerous opportunities that led her to build a successful career and a loving family in the US.

During her teenage years, Heloisa found solace in her faith in Jesus Christ, but it was when she faced a cancer battle with her late military husband that she discovered deeper purpose and strength in her beliefs. Through these trials, she experienced God's unwavering faithfulness, which has continued to sustain her. Now, she finds herself blessed and surrounded by her new husband and three wonderful children.

Heloisa's true passion lies in sharing the hope of Jesus with everyone she meets, offering encouragement through her faith in Christ. When she's not at work, she enjoys an active lifestyle, engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, high-intensity training, and running.

One of her favorite Bible verses is John 16:33: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This verse resonates deeply with her and serves as a guiding light in both her personal and professional life.


Administrative Assistant
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Nicole is a devoted disciple of Christ, alongside her husband of 23 years. Chris and Nicole have 4 kids, 3 daughters and 1 son. She firmly believes in the model of being a disciple that makes disciples. With a firm conviction that children hold the key to spreading the Gospel, Nicole invests much of her time and energy in discipling her own children, instilling in them the values of faith, compassion, and service from a young age. She understands that the seeds of faith planted in childhood have the potential to blossom into lifelong commitments to Christ, and then ultimately being a disciple that makes disciples.

In her community, Nicole is known for her generous spirit and wholehearted commitment to making a positive impact. She embraces opportunities to serve others with open arms, embodying the teachings of Christ through her actions and deeds. Nicole worked at Scottsdale Bible Church for the last 5 years and has also served in Awana, VBS, marriage ministry, youth camps, global outreach, café ministry, and most recently as a table leader for a discipleship program for women.

Born and raised in Illinois, Nicole's formative years were shaped by the love of playing sports! She played 4 sports each year throughout high school, two sports in college and also was in her early twenties during the Chicago Bulls' legendary era! Good times! Despite her allegiance to all things Chicago sports, Nicole wholeheartedly embraced her husband's passion for the Eagles and made a bold switch of allegiance.

In her cherished moments of leisure, Nicole recently delved into CrossFit workouts, relishing the challenge and exhilaration of pushing her physical limits as well as playing pickleball with her husband, other couples, and is now teaching her children how to play out in their driveway!

Nicole's greatest aspiration in this next chapter is to be a willing instrument in God's hands, allowing Him to work through her to accomplish His purposes on earth. Whether it's through acts of service, sharing the Gospel, or simply living out the principles of love and compassion in her daily life, she eagerly anticipates the opportunities to be used by God for His glory.

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